Proceedings of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory
No. |
Information item |
Filling field |
1. |
Title of peer reviewed scientific publication (in accordance with the State registration certificate) |
Proceedings of A.I. Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory |
2. |
Short title of peer reviewed scientific publication |
MGO Proceedings |
3. |
Complete title of peer reviewed scientific publication in foreign translation |
Proceedings of A.I. Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory |
4. |
Peer reviewed scientific publication creation date |
01.11.1849 |
5. |
Address of peer reviewed scientific publication editorship(juridical) |
194021, Saint-Petersburg, 7 Karbyshev Street |
6. |
Address of peer reviewed scientific publication editorship(actual) |
194021, Saint-Petersburg, 7 Karbyshev Street |
7. |
Contact phone/Fax of peer reviewed scientific publication |
(812)297-43-90/(812)297-86-61 |
8. |
E-mail address of peer reviewed scientific publication |
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9. |
Editor-in-chief of peer reviewed scientific publication |
Kattsov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, MGO Director, (812)297-43-90/ (812)297-86-61, Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. |
10. |
Information about editorship of peer reviewed scientific publication |
(see Appendix 1) |
11. |
All members of the editorship agree to participate in its work. |
(see Appendix 1) |
12. |
Founder (founders) of peer reviewed scientific publication |
Federal State Budgetary Institution «Main Geophysical Observatory» |
13. |
Address of the founder of peer reviewed scientific publication |
194021, Saint-Petersburg, 7 Karbyshev Street |
14. |
Contact phone/Fax of founder of peer reviewed scientific publication |
(812)297-43-90/(812)297-86-61 |
15. |
E-mail of founder of peer reviewed scientific publication |
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16. |
Date and number of agreement devoted to inclusion of peer reviewed scientific publication into Russian Science Citation Index system |
(see Appendix 2) |
17. |
Value of five-year Impact factor of the peer reviewed scientific publication in Russian Science Citation Index. |
0.333 |
18. |
Address of official Internet site of the peer reviewed scientific publication (below – Internet). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
19. |
Address of page in Internet where free full version of the peer reviewed scientific publication is placed |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo, http://elibrary.ru/title_profile.asp?id=25821 |
20. |
Address of page in Internet where paid full version of the peer reviewed scientific publication is placed |
Absent |
21. |
Address of page in Internet where information devoted to publishing house is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where information devoted to publishing house is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
22. |
Address of page in Internet where information devoted to Editor-in-chief is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where information devoted to Editor-in-chief is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
23. |
Address of page in Internet where the editorship member list is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where the editorship member list is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
24. |
Address of page in Internet where relevant contact information is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where relevant contact information is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
25. |
Address of page in Internet where the journal themes description is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where the journal themes description is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
26. |
Address of page in Internet where the journal regulations for scientific articles presentation, reviewing and publishing is placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where the journal regulations for scientific articles presentation, reviewing and publishing is placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
27. |
Address of page in Internet where both abstracts and key words of all scientific papers and reviews which were published in two last years are placed (in Russian). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
Address of page in Internet where both abstracts and key words of all scientific papers and reviews which were published in two last years are placed (in English). |
http://voeikovmgo.ru/ru/deyatelnost/trudy-ggo |
28. |
Periodicity of the peer reviewed scientific publication (total quantity of issues in two last years). |
(see Appendix 3) |
29. |
Both date and certificate number of mass media registration. |
(see Appendix 4) |
30. |
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). |
(see Appendix 5) |
31. |
Postal index of canvasser according to subscription contract and relevant catalogue type. |
(see Appendix 6) |
32. |
Before notification about List inclusion the compulsory copy of publication is printed and delivered to ITAR-TASS not less than two years. |
33. |
List of science branches (three or less) and/or scientist specialty groups (in total – five or less) in accordance with scientific specialty nomenclature for scientific degrees awarding. |
05.06.01 – EARTH SCIENCES |
34. |
Basic content of the scientific publication is scientific papers, and/or scientific reviews, and/or scientific critiques, and/or scientific opinions. |
35. |
The publication referees all relevant presented by authors materials. All reviewers are recognized specialists in mentioned themes, they have own publications corresponding to refereed science field during three last years. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in editorship during five-year period. |
36. |
Editorship directs review copies or justified refusal to authors and undertake to direct review copies to Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by corresponding demand. |
Journal themes
Global climate modeling; dynamics of climate of high latitudes; quality assessment and discrimination of climate models; climate changes and their consequences. Problems of theoretical hydro-thermodynamics, atmospheric boundary layer physics.
Studies of feedback mechanisms in the atmosphere-ocean-land system. Theory of atmospheric species diffusion and protection of atmospheric air from its pollution. Creating and monitoring of observational systems, preparation of research programs for monitoring of both atmospheric pollution and climate.
Theory and modeling of global climate and atmospheric chemistry. Problems of global climate change and studies of transformation gas- and aerosol atmospheric composition due to natural and anthropogenic factors.
Applied climatology.
Meteorological and climatological studies, long-term weather forecast study, atmospheric circulation study, statistical analysis of meteorological parameter rows, climatological description of regions, physico-statistical predication methods.
Methodical guidance of observational networks. Observational systems optimization. Metrology and meteorological parameter control system, atmospheric pollution monitoring, including observational systems.
Actinometry, archives and databases making. Atmospheric radiative regime study, development and improving of ground actinometric network, data analysis and data generalization.
Atmospheric remote sensing, atmospheric radiolocation studies, active impact on climate.
Appendix 1. List of members of the Editorial Board of the peer reviewed scientific journal.
No. |
Last name, first name, patronymic name |
Scientific degree, academic rank |
1 |
Kattsov Vladimir Mikhailovich Editor in-chief of of peer reviewed scientific publication |
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics |
2 |
Genikhovich Eugene Lvovich |
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics |
3 |
Гулев Сергей Константинович |
чл. корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук |
4 |
Meleshko Valentin Petrovich |
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor,
Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation. Honoured Meteorologist |
5 |
Грицун Андрей Сергеевич |
д-р физ.-мат. наук, доцент, профессор РАН |
6 |
Школьник Игорь Маркович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
7 |
Киселев Андрей Александрович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
8 |
Спорышев Петр Владимирович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
9 |
Розанов Евгений Владимирович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
10 |
Соколов Андрей Павлович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
11 |
Синькевич Андрей Александрович |
д-р техн. наук |
12 |
Морозов Владимир Николаевич |
д-р физ.-мат. наук |
13 |
Павлова Татьяна Викторовна |
канд. физ.-мат. наук, |
14 |
Chicherin Serguey Semenovich |
Philosophy Doctor (Physics and Mathematics)
Honoured Meteorologist |
15 |
Zaitsev Alexander Sergeevich |
Philosophy Doctor (Physics and Mathematics) |
16 |
Пигольцина Галина Борисовна |
доктор геогр. наук |
17 |
Хлебникова Елена Ивановна |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
18 |
Акентьева Елена Марковна |
канд. геогр. наук |
19 |
Бекряев Роман Викторович |
канд. физ.-мат. наук |
20 |
Makhotkina Elena Lvovna |
Philosophy Doctor (Geography) |
21 |
Смирнова Ирина Витальевна |
канд. геогр. наук |
22 |
Кириллова Виктория Ивановна |
канд. геогр. наук |
23 |
Гаврилова Светлана Юрьевна |
канд. геогр. наук |
All members of the editorship agree to participate in its work.
1.1. These regulations determine the order of directions, review, and publication of scientific articles in the journal “PROCEEDINGS OF VOEIKOV MAIN GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY” (hereinafter – Journal).
1.2. These regulations are developed with account of requirements of the Decree of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation from 25.07.2014 № 793 “On approval of the regulations of formation for notification of the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications with the main scientific results of dissertations for competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Doctor of Science degree and the peer-reviewed scientific publications for inclusion in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the main scientific results in published dissertations for competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Doctor of Science degree”, as well as other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
2.1. Journal of Research and Engineering “PROCEEDINGS OF VOEIKOV MAIN GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY” is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, where the main scientific results of dissertations for competition degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Philosophy Doctor should be published; in the national information analysis system «Russian Science Citation Index; in the catalog “Edition of scientific and technical information bodies” agency “Rospechat”, subscription index 66055.
2.2. The Editorial Board of the Journal accepts manuscripts of authors’ scientific articles (materials), reflecting scientific views, results and achievements of fundamental and applied research of specialist groups 25.00.29 and 25.00.30, as well as scientific studies, scientific reviews and testimonials.
2.3. Sending the article to the editor of the Journal, the author grants the Publisher the right to publish free of charge article and to placing it in the information and telecommunication network “Internet”. The author retained the intellectual property rights of the work.
2.4. The article should be original, previously unpublished in other publications, corresponding to the high scientific level and possess the scientific novelty. Using the references of the published papers are required. The author is responsible for the identity of facts, statistics, terminology, quotations.
Sending the article to the editor of the Journal, the author gives his consent to the processing of personal data.
2.5. The article must correspond to the following requirements:
- the size of article text – not less than 8 and as a rule no more than 12 pages in A4 format (exceeding the specified amount shall be permitted only by decision of the Senior Editor of the Journal);
- margins (left, right, top, bottom) – 2 cm;
- font – Times New Roman,
- size – 14;
- line space – sesquialter;
- paragraph indention – 1.25 cm.
All of the words within a paragraph are separated by only one space. Before a punctuation mark, not to put spaces after punctuation – one space. Not allowed are the usage of two or more spaces; to highlight the text underlined, bold, italics; the formation of a paragraph by spaces. At the end of the article the bibliography is placed. The number of cited papers are in the text of the article.
2.6. For placing the bibliography and footnotes the following standards are recommended:
- GOST 7.1-2003 bibliographic record; bibliographic description; General requirements and regulations of composition;
- GOST 7.0.5-2008 bibliographic reference; General requirements and regulations of composition.
2.7. Submitted manuscript must be accompanied by signatures of all authors at the end of the manuscript under the following provisions:
- presented material was nowhere published earlier and is not currently under consideration for publication in other journals;
- the authors have no conflicts of interest related to this publication (if two or more authors);
- the author (co-authors) has no objection to posting full-text versions of articles in the information and telecommunication network “Internet”;
- the author (co-authors) agrees (agree) to processing of their personal data.
2.8. In a scientific article, sent to the editor of the Journal, in addition to the text, the following particulars should be entered:
- UDC code;
- surname, name of the author (s) (fully) in Russian and English;
- place of work of each author in the nominative form;
- position;
- scientific degree, scientific rank, honorary title;
- contact information (legal address of place of work, telephone, e-mail);
- summary (up to 400 characters) and keywords (8-10 words in Russian and English); each keyword or phrase is separated from another by a comma.
2.9. Research papers must be submitted to the editorial office in the identical content in paper and electronic form. Article and documents attached shall be submitted to the editorial office in paper form personally or by mail at the address: 7 Karbyshev str., St.Petersburg, 194021, Russia, the Research Department, the Journal “PROCEEDINGS OF VOEIKOV MAIN GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY”. Article and documents in electronic form shall be sent to the e-mail address:
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2.10. Manuscripts of scientific articles will not be returned to authors.
2.11. All research papers relevant to subjects of the Journal are independently reviewed in accordance with the Regulations of reviewing and publishing of the research papers. Term of reviewing is at least 3 months.
2.12. At any stage prior to the publication of scientific articles in the Journal, the author may waive its publication by sending a request to the address of the editorial office.
2.13. Articles of post-graduate students are accepted after the positive reviews of the scientific tutor.
2.14. All papers are published without the compensation for paper editing, preprint preparation and publication expenses.
3.1. All manuscripts of scientific articles addressed to the editorial office of the Journal are processed by the expert review in accordance with the requirements of the Journal.
3.2. Reviewing the scientific articles is organized by Chief Editor and Editorial Board of the Journal. The staff of the Editorial Board must include minimum eight specialists – Candidates or Doctors of Sciences (or holders of academic degrees obtained in a foreign country, honors those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the relevant area of knowledge) of the number of scientific, academic staff.
3.3. Members of the Editorial Board give the written agreement to participate in the work of the Editorial Board of the Journal. The written agreement is held in the Editor’ Journal during the lifetime of the member of the Editorial Board.
3.4. Reviewers of scientific manuscripts, received by the editorial office, may be members of the Editorial Board of the Journal, of scientific and academic staff of the Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory with a scientific degree of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences and specialists (Candidate or Doctors of Sciences) of other educational and scientific organizations in Russia and foreign countries.
3.5. All reviewers must be recognized specialists in the area of peer-reviewed materials and have in the past 3 years publications on the reviewed article subject.
3.6. A reviewer may not be the author or co-author of refereed scientific article, Research Manager (consultant) of the author. The person who has been called to review, peer review may be waived by the article in case of lack of the necessary competence.
3.7. Calling of external reviewers is allowed, when members of the Editorial Board of the Journal, of scientific and academic staff of VOEIKOV MAIN GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY have not the required level of competence for peer review of scientific articles. In this case, the Editorial Board decides on invitation expert evaluation of manuscript of the article having specialist publications related to content received by the editorial office materials.
3.8. The expert evaluation of the articles addressed to the Editorial Office is carried out by means of mandatory unilateral anonymous peer review, where the reviewer can access information about the author of the article but the reviewer is not known to the author. Procedure a two-way anonymous review (author does not known the reviewer and the reviewer does not known the author) can be used in the case of ambiguous peer review article reviewer called to review.
3.9. To the expert evaluation of scientific articles can be called several reviewers.
3.10. The manuscript of scientific articles, received by the Editor Office of the Journal, is considered by the Editorial Board for its compliance with the requirements and regulations of the Journal. In the case of non-compliance with the conditions of publication the article may be sent to the author for revision.
3.11. The article corresponding to profile of the Journal and publication requirements is recorded in the record book to the editor together with the date of receipt, the article title, name of the author (s), place of work, the author (s), contact information (phone, email).
3.12. The Editor Office defines a reviewer and after prior coordination with him sends him a research paper in electronic format. The reviewer is informed that the transmitted article is the intellectual property of the author and refers to information not subject to disclosure. The reviewer has no rights to use the manuscript for his purpose and purpose of third parties, to send the manuscript for review to another person without agreement with the Chief Editor of the Journal, and to disclose the information in the manuscript before its publication.
3.13. The reviewer must provide expert evaluation of scientific article within four weeks from the date of its receipt. The text of the review is to be sent to the email address of the Editorial Office, and the signed review is presented to the Editorial Office personally or sent by mail.
3.14. The peer review of the scientific article must:
- pay the attention to the existence of novelty in the material of the article the solved the author of scientific task;
- describe the theoretical and/or applied (practical) significance of the article;
- relate the conclusions of the author with the existing scientific views;
- evaluate the personal contribution of the author (s) of the article in resolving the issues, scientific style of presentation of the material;
- give an opinion on the reliability and validity of the conclusions in the article.
3.15. The review concludes with a general evaluation of the article and the recommendation of reviewer for publication in the Journal: “The article is recommended for publication”, “The article is published after the removing the reviewer comments”, and “The article is not recommended for publication”.
3.16. The reviewer recommends the article for publication after the removing the reviewer comments or does not recommend this article for publication. The reasons for such a decision with the clear statement of faults identified during peer review of the article are specified.
3.17. The corrected article is submitted by the author to the editor of the Journal, recorded in the current procedure and sent for repeated reviewing, together with the response of the author comments on each item listed in reviews. In the register book it is marked the date of receipt of the new variant of article.
3.18. After receiving positive reviews the Editorial Board of the Journal decides to publish them in the current procedure.
3.19. The Editor Office of the Journal forwards copies of submissions to author’s reviews or a grounded refusal.
3.20. The Editor Office of the Journal sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the Editorial Office of the corresponding request.
3.21. The Editor Office provides persistent storage of published scientific articles. Reviews are stored in the office at least 5 years.